My Rosacea Story "Tune into YourSelf or Suffer"
Read my story of my journey from Rosacea hell, my suffering, how I came to my healing on my Path to Freedom.
❥ Rosacea is not what you "think" it is.
❥ My transparent, open, honest story of my journey with Rosacea.
❥ How I created Rosacea on my face.
❥ How I finally realised after years that Rosacea Media is a money making scam.
❥ How I healed and faded my face.
❥ How the Mind is the creator.
I share my tools I use/used to heal that you can start implementing straight away.
Everyone can heal their face you just have to want to and I hope my Ebook inspires you or at least opens a new perspective then the disempowering Rosacea media and soul destroying diagnosis.
You created it. You can heal it.
Jo 💚
Rosacea Truth
Pages 44
Honest Inspiration
308 KB
40 pages
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